School Events

Family Fun Night

This highly popular event typically consists of a pizza party, crafts and activities, and a child entertainer. The Social Hall, some classrooms and the church are all used to host this event. Volunteers will develop a theme for the event, book the entertainer, promote the event, decorate the facilities, coordinate crafts and food, and set-up and clean-up the event.

Spring Carnival

The event is held for 2 days during school hours so that all classes have a chance to attend. There are decorations, games, a craft, snack, and story that will center upon a theme developed by the volunteers. Volunteers will develop a theme for the Carnival, promote the event, decorate the Social Hall, secure donations for the event, coordinate event activities and snacks, and clean-up after the event.

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is the primary fundraiser for WHOOPS. It is held during the day and during Back To School Night. Volunteers are needed to promote the book fair, set up, staff the sale, and help pack up once the fair ends.

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