Class Parents

Being a Class Parent is a great way to become involved and meet other parents from your child’s class and the rest of the school!

There are one to two Class Parents for each class at Wesley Hall. The Class Parents’ responsibilities include:

  • Parent liaison: Serve as the main point of contact between Wesley Hall and the parents in your class for a variety of communications.

  • Teacher liaison: Assess teachers' needs for help throughout the school year, if any.

  • Class Gifts: Collect the funds for and purchase the teachers' class gifts at Christmas and the end of the year.

  • Wesley Hall Organization of Parents liaison: Attend WHOOPS meetings throughout the year and provide updates on these meetings to their class.

  • WHOOPS Event Coordinator: Each class is assigned to an event during the school year. Class Parents will work with the WHOOPS Co-Chairs to:

    1. Develop and implement the event concept

    2. Execute a variety of event-related activities, such as volunteer coordination

  • WHOOPS Treat Sales: Each class will be asked to contribute items for a bake sale at least once during the school year. Class parents will assist with securing donated items from parents in their class.

  • Class Parent meetings: Attend meetings at least twice per year to review class parent responsibilities and other topics.

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